An enhanced standard of quality...
Regent Park Early Childhood Development Center is dedicated to providing the kind of attentive care that does not demand that children accomplish tasks when WE are ready, but rather when THEY are ready. We are here to encourage, to anticipate, to stimulate, and to recognize readiness. We are here to instill a sense of pride and curiosity in children for their own mastery of their world, creating a lifelong joy in taking on whatever comes next.
our classroomsAt Regent Park, our goal is to provide an atmosphere that feels like home–to you, your child, and our staff. A calm harmonious environment is no less important when your child is in our care than when he or she is in yours. We actively promote and prioritize the cooperation and teamwork that translate into the quality of care that we would choose for our own children. Our relationship with parents is an essential part of our care for children. We welcome your involvement and will provide ongoing communication on every aspect of your child’s care, routine, and progress.
Meet our staffWe design our program for the wide variance in emotional, physical, cognitive, and social development that characterize the first few years of life. Rather than adhering to a curriculum that dictates specific skill development at specific chronological ages, we follow each child’s developmental path. Inherent in this philosophy is the incalculable value of each teacher’s familiarity with each child, creating the ability to anticipate and respond to individual stages of readiness as they occur.
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